Yup, crime pays. For years we've watched Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto video game franchise blow up the charts (and rake in the cash), and now we might see its Facebook knock-offs follow the same trajectory. Well, one of them at least. Crime City, a very GTA-like game that has been on Facebook for under a year, has secured 7.5 million monthly players and, according to AppData, that doesn't seem to be dropping off anytime soon.
Now, Crime City creator Funzio has secured a cool $20 million dollars from investors, with plans to grow its crew (headed up by social gaming vets from Zynga and hi5) and to, hopefully, build more games that, much like its mafia-inspired hit, will continue to show that social games don't inherently need to involve farming, pets or other cute and cuddly themes. What can I say -- I like my farming games as must as the next person, but definitely don't mind a little larceny on the side.
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